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Village de Chateauneuf de Bordette
P.Foresti 360 Mediart - OTPN
Historic site and monument

Village de Chateauneuf de Bordette

Village de Chateauneuf de Bordette
26110 Châteauneuf-de-Bordette

Its provençale valley along the rieu sec, surrounded by olive trees and apricot trees, weaves until the Croix Rouge pass to give way to the valley of Bordette whose landscapes are more of the Dauphiné region.

You will discover the flora and the strong pastoralism of the community thanks to the "Perdigons" discovery hiking path.
You will also enjoy the St Michel roman Church, the St Quenin Chapel and the curious things that the mountain lets behing her... flawless stone balls washed up on the rieu sec.

Take the road between Mirabel aux Baronnies and Châteauneuf de Bordette and admire the beautiful and sparkling olive groves.

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  • Special solo
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Updated on 29/09/2015
Through Office de Tourisme des Baronnies en Drôme Provençale
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