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Pedestrian sports - Hiking itinerary

Les crêtes de la Sarcena

  • Distance10.1 km
  • Duration3h30
  • TypeCircular
  • DifficultyDifficult
  • Total altitude change+ 510 m
  • Departure/arrivalValdrôme
  • Route markingYes

From an obscure and majestic fir grove untouched by logging, the trail becomes clearer as it winds its way along the southernmost grassy ridges of the Diois, culminating in the summit of Duffre and its panoramic view of the Ventou...

The Natura 2000 site "Pelouses, forêts et habitats rocheux de la montagne de l'Aup et de la Sarcena" (grasslands, forests and rocky habitats of the Aup and Sarcena mountains) is home to typical mountain avifauna (Montagnard Venturon, woodchat, spioncelle pipit, rock blackbird, etc.). A population of black grouse can be found on both slopes, and the Tengmalm's owl has been spotted in the beech and spruce woodlands. The area is also exceptionally rich in botanical diversity, with 450 plant species recorded, including three listed in France's "red book" of endangered flora: Dauphiné saxifrage, sauze cytise and tiny-flowered forget-me-not.

Our tips

  • Details about route marking :
    Balisage jaune (PR) et poteaux de signalétique directionnelle.
  • Difficult stretches :
    Sentier de crête peu marqué entre les racines des buis et les rochers nécéssitant d'enjamber de petits obstacles.
  • Références topographiques :
    Topoguide "Le Diois à pied - Aux sources de la Drôme" de la Fédération Française de Randonnée.
  • Map references :
    TOP 25 IGN 3238

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  • Exemple sur Android : Ici
  • Exemple sur IOS : Ici
  • Découvrir GPX Studio : Ici

Drôme Tourisme cannot be held responsible for any problems encountered along the route. 

Any problems encountered can be outlined here:



Author: Conseil Départemental de la Drôme - Apidae Tourisme

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